One Step Closer to Prince

"My visit to Paisley Park was bitter/sweet.. but my pilgrimage to the Twin Cities was so needed. It definitely helped me have better understanding, peace, and comfort in regards to the passing of our Beautiful One. Being in Minneapolis I felt as if he was there with me. Now I see why Prince never left because the love and respect this city has for him is beyond words. Every place I visited made me feel one step closer to Prince but Paisley Park is what gave me comfort. I could feel his presence. Even when I wanted to touch certain things on the tour his voice was there saying, 'Please don't touch that.' I'm serious.

I met Kirk Johnson and he was so kind to me. We talked about drumming and he gave me some tips. He even shared his email address in case I wanted to reach out to him for more drumming advice.

Paisley Park is an awesome place and I will never forget how being there made me feel. Before I visited Minneapolis I wanted answers in regards to Prince's death, however after visiting I received a revelation: 
I know what I'm supposed to know; respect his wishes in death; and make sure that whenever my time comes I am right with the Lord like Prince was."

Vicky Wright
Mansfield, Texas